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 !!! About
=== About===
[ MCUXpresso] is an IDE from NXP who makes the family of chips we use on ISC (or at least they bought the company that did). We use MCUXpresso to build, flash, and debug all of the code on the solar car. You are welcome to use any IDE for writing code, however you _must''' use MCUXpresso to compile, flash, and debug all code.
[ MCUXpresso] is an IDE from NXP who makes the family of chips we use on ISC (or at least they bought the company that did). We use MCUXpresso to build, flash, and debug all of the code on the solar car. You are welcome to use any IDE for writing code, however you _must''' use MCUXpresso to compile, flash, and debug all code.

Revision as of 15:30, 17 September 2018


MCUXpresso is an IDE from NXP who makes the family of chips we use on ISC (or at least they bought the company that did). We use MCUXpresso to build, flash, and debug all of the code on the solar car. You are welcome to use any IDE for writing code, however you _must use MCUXpresso to compile, flash, and debug all code.

Setting Up MCUXpresso

Before setting up MCUXpresso you may want to have code locally from Github. See: ((Github Setup|Github Setup Instructions)))

Note: This set-up guide covers windows only. ISC officially supports Windows only. You may find notes on getting a Mac set-up to work elsewhere on the Wiki or you can ask senior team members. We will try to have that linked from here


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  1. Download the MCUXpresso IDE from the NXP Website.
    1. Register for an NXP account
    2. Download MCUXpresso 10.1.1, 10.2 is not compatible with our set-up at this time. Upgrading our code-base is on the road map.
      1. Find it on the "Previous" tab
      2. Any version prior to 10.2 still available should work
      3. If you are coming from an old version please upgrade to at least v 10.
    3. Agree to the MCUXpresso terms*.
    4. Download the version for your OS.
  2. Install MCUXpresso including Debug Drivers
    1. Also Install all device drivers when prompted (depending on your device settings you may not receive these, may only receive one for them all, or will receive a bunch)
  3. At this point you will need to have ((Github Setup|github software repos set-up)) on your computer to move forward with the set-up process.
  4. Now import the files into your workspace:
    1. Go to File > Import
    2. Select General > Existing Projects into Workspace
    3. Click "Browse" next to "Select root directory"
    4. Select the base folder for the git repository you are setting up the workspace for.
    5. Select the checkboxes for the projects you want to import to this workspace (see below on managing workspaces)
      1. The absolute minimum for every workspace is -+mbed+-, -+common+-, and the skeleton for the chip your board uses (likely -+mbed1549_skeleton+- on ARGO-FW)
  5. At this point you are ready to work on and edit existing projects. Continue for instructions on building, debugging, and creating projects.


~42~You may want to not the patent waiver clause in case you decide to use it for personal projects. For solar car related software this should not be a concern.