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< Public:GitHub
Revision as of 22:53, 22 September 2020 by Jonathan (talk | contribs) (started moving FW here)
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Github Logo.png IlliniSolarCar/b-fw if the repo for firmware on Brizo - the repo was created before the car had a name. Unlike other repos, we currently maintain one repo for firmware for each vehicle (see Github Logo.png IlliniSolarCar/ARGO-FW). Typically the team will have multiple operational cars that might need firmware maintenance, and the changes from car to car are breaking - necessitating keeping them both separate.

This repository has two submodules - GitHub/mbed and GitHub/CAN. Mbed is the operating system and is a fork, while CAN is a shared repo with the Telemetry group to keep the CAN specifications up to date between the vehicle firmware and telemetry application (GitHub/Telemetry)


The firmware repo is a highly collaborative repo. C++ is pretty much exactly the use case git was designed for so it is a very standard git repo in that case. Many people will be working on many things at once. Some people on the same branch, some on different. Some branches will be short lived, some will be long lived. While this may sound chaotic, there is order to the chaos.

Branch Organization

The Firmware repos use the common "Git Flow" structure.

This repo will have a lot of branches. To manage these branches we use the "Git Flow" structure for these branches. There will be some long-lived branches and some short-lived branches based on what they are for. To the right is an example of how Git Flow is structured. Below we'll explain each of the different branch types in terms of this repo and solar car.