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Github Logo.png IlliniSolarCar/mbed


Fork of Github Logo.png CalSol/mbed
Content: ISC Version of Mbed OS
Access: Public
License: Apache License 2.0
Branching Strategy: Longstanding branches by car with short topic/feature branches
Maintained By: Electrical Group
Actions & Checks:
  • Reviews Required

Github Logo.png IlliniSolarCar/mbed is our fork of the Mbed Operating System. This is a fork of the CalSol fork of the official Mbed Repo. Currently the master branch is a modified version (mostly be CalSol) of MBed os2. An upgrade to os5 (or even os6?) is planned for the Brizo life cycle. We maintain our own fork so we can keep in stable with the vehicle firmware in the other repos and control when we are comfortable introducing changes in our cycles. Additionally, we can add changes that may be useful to us bu too target specific for core mbed.


Like other embedded code repos this repo should generally follow Git Flow (see GitHub/b-fw). However, since we rarely have any major feature changes typically you can work right on a "release branch" for the changes and merge to master once tested and reviewed.

Branch Organization

Currently the only real longstanding branch is master. However, when we update to another version of mbed we would expect to keep a long standing branch for each OS to maintain back-support of old code.

Pull Requests

Make sure to select IlliniSolarCar/mbed

Since this is a forked repo you can merge your branch into any branch on any mbed fork. For the vast majority of cases you want to merge into one of our branches - this is not the default! The default is to use the repo this is forked from as the base, in our case Github Logo.png CalSol/mbed. Make sure you change this! Or people at CalSol will get emails about your PR.

One you open a PR your code must be approved by a reviewer based on code quality and testing.


Note that contributions to forked repos do not show up on your GitHub profile page until they make it all the way into the master branch of the base repo (in this case arm/mbed-os). In this case that won't ever happen so unfortunately your changes here won't show up on that. You'll just have to make more contributions somewhere else 😉

Initial Setup

MBed is a submodule of the firmware repos. You should work on it from there as you'll need to some external code to test your OS changes. See GitHub/b-fw and GitHub/ARGO-FW for getting those repos added to your